Sunday Sevens 2018 #5

So we are more than half way through the year and I’m only on my fifth Sunday Sevens post!  At least they are still going though…and I keep seeing a few other bloggers do their posts regularly so that’s always nice to see too.

I feel like recently I’ve done more sewing than I have done in a while so I think I’m starting to get back into the swing of things. I’ve got a few future projects lined up that I’m excited to dig into.  I’ve been trying to get things done while Rosie takes her afternoon nap but sometimes she joins me by the sewing table as you will see below.  Here’s a couple of mid project photos.  Both projects will be blogged about soon!



Sunday Sevens 2018 #4

More often than not, my Sunday Sevens posts have been catch-up posts rather than weekly but that’s the great thing…Sunday Sevens doesn’t have to be regular…thankfully!

I’ve found that life is just flying by recently. Rosie turns 6 months this week and our days together have yet to be boring. She is amazing us with how many new things she is learning and what she manages to do. We’ve finally got a little bit of a routine together where we try to get out of the house at least once every day. I’ve found a very good local Mom’s Fitness group where the kids can come along while the parents take part in a class. I park Rosie at the side of the hall and she watches everything that is going on. Occasionally she gets a bit cranky but it’s so relaxed there, I really don’t feel awkward if she does happen to cry.


Sunday Sevens 2018 #3

Hello! A little update on life for you all in the form of Sunday Sevens. Rosie is entertaining herself on her play mat so I’m speedily typing in the hope that she doesn’t get bored soon.

It was Mardi Gras season back in February and it was also reasonably cold for us. We bundled up and headed into town to catch some throws at a parade. Rosie loved watching the lights go by and even caught her own Moonpies. The following day, we nipped down to Fairhope to watch the Mystic Mutts parade…a parade for dogs! It was by far my favorite!



Sunday Sevens 2018 #2

Well, this week for us has been a homey one. It reached -7°c at one point, which is the coldest it’s been here in Alabama while I’ve lived here! There was also a ‘State of Emergency’ issued for the flu epidemic. We decided to stay at home all week and get cosy by the fire. Rosie and I spent most of the week in our loungewear!



Sunday Sevens 2018 #1

It really does feel like such a long time since I last wrote a Sunday Sevens post but I’m starting the year as I plan to go on. Today’s post is a little bit of a catch up of little things from the last couple of months and in true tradition, it’s a day late!

It was my birthday back in December and Adam bought me a KitchenAid Stand Mixer. I’d been eyeing one up for a while and had heard a lot of great things about them. I’ve had a basic mixer for a while but as it was one from the UK, the voltage was different so it didn’t mix very well. I was very pleased to get this and it’s made baking so much quicker!


Sunday Sevens #94

1.  We had a lovely sunny day a couple of weeks ago so we headed down to Gulf Shores.  There’s a collection of bars called ‘FloraBama’ on the Florida & Alabama state line where we like to hang out & eat.  We got a table outside, in the shade and under a fan. It was very relaxing to just sit and watch the world go by.
