Here’s To 2018

Happy New Year to everyone!

2017 ended a little differently for us this year as we became parents!  At the end of October I was put on bedrest & given some medication to keep Rosie cooking for a little while longer.  Once I came off the medication, she decided to come 2 weeks early and was born on the 20th November.  She is just so precious and we are absolutely loving every moment with her…even the sleepless nights…sort of!



Christmas was lovely as we had my parents and brother here.  My parents haven’t visited us since Christmas 2015.  It’s been a special trip for them as they met their first grandchild and it has been their first trip to see us and our new house since my Mum finished her treatment for breast cancer.  They last visited us for Christmas 2015 so they were long overdue a visit.  It’s been so nice to have them here and I’m not looking forward to when they head back home this week.


2018 will be quite different for me as I’ve decided to stay at home with Rosie and not go back to work for a while.  Once we’ve sort of got into a routine, I’m hoping that I will have time to be more consistent, creative and efficient in terms of blogging, vlogging & sewing.  I’ve already seen a couple of things that I would like to get involved in, in addition to some more Sunday Sevens posts.  You may start to notice a slight change in what I blog about as I do have a new interest in all things baby related  and have loved to read other ‘Mum/Mom’ blogs.  I do still want my blog to have a range of posts on it though so I’ll try not to go on a baby overload.


I’ve not got any detailed resolutions as such for 2018 but I’m making it my goal to just do more; more sewing, more blogging, more vlogging on Youtube, more reading, more cooking, more baking, more house organization & being more active on my blog.

I hope you’ve all had a great start to the year! Here’s to 2018 🙂

27 thoughts on “Here’s To 2018

  1. Awh, if you guys ever need a break for a few hours or just to go out to dinner you can let me know and I can steal some baby love!

  2. Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful! Dad and Rosie look adorable together! (((HUGS))) and prayers for your sweet Mom. You can surely see the love and joy on your parents faces as they dote on Rosie. Beautiful picture!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS & Happy New Year!
    Lovely little addition to sew for ~ so nice you could have family around, too.
    Much love (and hope you’re staying warm down there)!

    1. Thank you! I really can’t wait to get some little outfits made for her 🙂 We’ve had a couple of cold weeks here…I’ve needed a coat most days this week, and we had 0.5” of snow about 2 weeks ago! Crazy!

  4. Congratulations! Your little girl is so gorgeous! All the best for your family in 2018, I can’t wait to see all the cute dresses you make in the summer – for both of you! X

  5. What a little sweeheart, so glad you can stay home and make the most of these so special times lots luv Joycexx

  6. Oh Natalie! Congratulations and what a very special way to welcome in the new year. Your life will never be the same, and in the best possible way. All the best wishes for your mum, she and your dad are positively beaming, enjoying their little granddaughter.

    1. Thank you so much! Rosie is almost 8 weeks old and we just can’t imagine life without her now. She makes us (and her grandparents) very happy 😃

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