Sunday Sevens 2018 #2

Well, this week for us has been a homey one. It reached -7°c at one point, which is the coldest it’s been here in Alabama while I’ve lived here! There was also a ‘State of Emergency’ issued for the flu epidemic. We decided to stay at home all week and get cosy by the fire. Rosie and I spent most of the week in our loungewear!



Sunday Sevens #81

Welcome to my 81st Sunday Sevens! Thank you to all of you who take the time to join in with Sunday Sevens 🙂 It’s great to read all the posts, and we still have new people having a go each week! I’ve had quite a hectic week here in Alabama so it’s been nice to have a relaxing weekend. The rain has meant that we haven’t ventured far but we’ve still managed to get a lot done. I do like weekends, especially when I’ve been productive!

1. Last weekend we headed to our local outlet mall. I bought 2 pairs of Clark’s shoes for work in the hope of having pain free feet…I ended up taking one pair back as they started to hurt in the house, kept the flats though! I also found a bargain of a bag in Levis…$8!! All of their accessories were half price, even the ones that had already been reduced. A cotton dress (GAP) also made its way home with us!


Sunday Sevens #80

So in the hope of not falling into the habit of posting double Sunday Sevens post…here’s my midweek Sundnesday Sevens (or fives! ssshhh! 🙂 In no time at all I’m finding myself wondering where all of my spare time is going! And I’ve also been forgetting to take photos AGAIN!!!!

1. We have some bushes outside of our apartment and this one bloomed this week! It looks very pretty, but also quite odd as it’s only part of the bush :-/


Sunday Sevens Catchup #77 #78

It’s Sunday Sevens again!…Only this week I’m combining a few pictures from the last couple of weeks as I completely forgot to write the post last Sunday, and by the time I remembered it was Thursday already! I hope everyone else has had a good couple of weeks, and a great Mothers’ Day back in the UK! I feel like we have been non-stop at the moment so here’s a catch up from my last two weeks. 🙂

1. We were on Tornado watch for an afternoon as a bad storm passed through. Luckily we didn’t really see any of it but the city was preparing for the worst, which I’ve never seen happen before. Schools and shops closed early, and the list of evacuation centres was provided. It got a little eery and windy, and we had a lot of rain! A few local cities were affected though 😦 The damage in Pensacola was quite bad!


Sunday Sevens #73

I’m sat writing this post, thinking about how busy I’ve been this week with one thing and another…and I didn’t take any photos of the exciting bits. Hhhmmpphh! Anyway, I’ve still managed to fumble seven photos together for you!

1. I made a Breakfast Bonanza in the slow cooker but forgot to do it the night before so we had it for our dinner instead 🙂


Sunday Sevens #72

My my, have you seen all that snow on the East coast of the US?! Luckily we just had the wind and rain from that storm but my thoughts definitely go out to all the people who are stuck in their homes for a while!

It’s turned really cold for us this week though…I’ve even had to put the heating on! I finally feel like we are back to our normal routine this week, and I’ve actually managed to get quite a bit done around the house & with ongoing projects too.

Here are my seven photographs from this week – mainly doggy photos!

1/2. Maisy and Buzz have started to be even closer to each other this week. Buzz really made me giggle with the way he was laying on the sofa so I had to take a photo!

